Diputados censuraron palabras del presidente Chaves y exigieron respeto

During the weekly press conference, the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Chaves, was outraged by insulting the representatives of the Partido Unión Social Cristiana (PUSC), Carlos Felipe García and Alejandro Pacheco, for changing their vote in relation to a the which is why an attempt was made to increase the allocation of the Special Fund for Higher Education (FEES) by 2%, despite initially receiving an increase of less than 1%.

In a critical tone, Chaves denounced the lack of offenses on the part of the deputies, also shouting at them «desgraciados y malnacidos», which was unleashed rechazo both within the fraction of the PUSC and in other adversaries.

Lesly Bojorges, leader of the PUSC faction, rebuked the president’s actions, criticizing the inadequacies and demanding rectification from Chaves. Bojorges has expressed his compromise as an appointed adversary in supporting projects he considers beneficial to the country, making himself incapable of possessing the moral authority to discern about correcting decisions.

Vanessa Castro, a congresswoman, said she was enthusiastic about the fact that differences of opinion do not justify insults or personal attacks, condemning the terms despectivos used by President Chaves.

On the other hand, Óscar Izquierdo, head of the National Liberation Party faction, incessantly championed the use of epic tales, ensuring that no individual in his party was allowed to be led in this way, regardless of his political opinions.

Deputy Luis Diego Vargas, leader of the Partido Liberal Progresista (PLP), considered Chaves’ words as inadequate for a president, comparing them with the expressions typical of an environment that is disrespectful and descertained for someone in the highest authority of a country. Asimism, Vargas complained that a day that should have had a side of constructive debate was accompanied by these types of incidents.

In general, President Chaves’ statements have generated protests and criticism within the Costa Rican political class, underlining the importance of respect in the political sphere and the need to maintain an appropriate tone in public debates and discussions, especially when it comes of high-level representatives as president of the nation.

By Virginia A. French

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